
Thanks (GuppY community)


I started alone this project and worked on it for 3 months before posting online the version 1.0 of miniPortail. Some people got enthousiastic about miniPortail and they pretty soon joined me. THANK YOU GIRLS AND GUYS for your fidelity and confidence in this project.

I should write here about all people, those that did this great work of translating miniPortail / GuppY to other languages (Damski was the first one to translate miniPortail to another language, being Spanish), those that provided me with good ideas and suggestions (I especially think about Don, Cees, and many others), those that kindly reported bugs (and that never complained about them), and even those that insulted me because of this portal !

But, I would forget one or two of you and feel so sorry about it that I will then just give a VERY SPECIAL THANK YOU to those that work hard on the GuppY project on a daily basis.

Yes, A HUGE THANK YOU to all of you, members of the so called "GuppY Team". Find them every day on the official GuppY website here : Please never forget that they are unpaid and help you on their free time, that you should always be courteous and kind with the "GuppY Team".

Let me just take a little bit of this page to present these heavy workers that are the developers of GuppY :

aldweb - crazy enough guy to initiate such a project
- That's me! If you want to know more about me, please read my Hobbys web page.
- e-mail   :
- Web site :

Balou - marketing, sales (easy job, GuppY is free!) and security adviser
  - Balou provides add-ons and sample parametrizations for typical portals (weblog, discussion board...). He also takes care of checking that the installed web sites follow the basic security rules.
  - e-mail   :
  - Web site :

Jean-Mi - the quiet phpman, a great bug tracker
  - Jean-Mi is expert es plug-ins, great PHP specialist and made the new search engine.
  - e-mail :
  - Site web :

Icare - odd jobs specialist
  - Not very bad but not the best at all... he made the GuppY blog and the new forum.
  - email :

The new members:

Djchouix - PHP, javascript and co have no secrets for him!
  - He has made the new mini-editor foradmin and adapted many wysiwyg editors for GuppY
  - e-mail:
  - Site web:

Guppimode -  fan of moving Internet
  - he wants to make GuppY crazy with all mobiles...
  - e-mail :
  - Site web :

Hpsam - HTML, XHTML, PHP, MySQL, CSS, Java, Javascript, Flash...
  - nothing can stop him when it's about coding.
  - e-mail :
  - Site web :

Ghazette - do-it-yourself/Handyman, Searching for ideas,
  - always find a solution to please you, in particular center freeboxes.
  - e-mail :
  - Site web :

And I don'to forget Alex, historically the first to join me and Nicolas who made a lot of scripts for GuppY.